Abstract: Moore’s law or Moore’s prediction is an observation that, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. [1] The period is now often quoted as 18 months by Intel executive David House. This study will examine the development and evolution of semiconductor electronics. Since semiconductors increasingly comprise a larger portion of electronic components and systems, either used directly by customers or incorporated into end use items purchased by consumers, the impact of “Moore’s law” has led users and consumers to come to expect a continuous stream of faster, better and cheaper high-technology products. This paper attempts to describe the origin, nature and implications of “Moore’s law” in a comprehensive manner. Intel’s 32nm, 22nm, 14nm and 10nm technology is examined and studied in detail. Also a retrospective approach to dealing with or coping up with Moore’s law is explained. Finally we draw limelight on how Moore’s observation transformed computing from a rare and expensive venture into a pervasive and affordable necessity. From internet, to social media and modern data analytics, which are innovations to stem directly from Moore and his findings.

Keywords: Moore’s law, semiconductor technologies, faster, better and cheaper high-technology products, Intel’s 32nm, 22nm, 14nm and 10nm technology.